for Honest
Protecting the American Dream in the Sunshine State
for Honest
Protecting the American Dream in the Sunshine State
Floridians For Honest Lending is a nonpartisan, not-for-profit 501(c)3 organization dedicated to protecting the American Dream in the Sunshine State.
Our mission is to reduce the number of Florida homeowners hurt by predatory lending practices which can lead to wrongful foreclosures. We work with homeowners going through wrongful foreclosure to help them advocate for change and amplify their stories to influential figures and the media. Floridians For Honest Lending advocates for Florida homeowners with an end goal of putting a stop to the predatory lending practices that tear families and communities apart.
Quick Links
Property Insurance Reforms
Get Help
If you are a homeowner, renter, or landloard and need financial help, you may want to check out the federal government’s new website, from the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. There are TONS of resources available here.
Tell Your Story
Floridians For Honest Lending works to collect and expose stories of abusive practices in the mortgage and property insurance industry so that the press and our elected leaders are aware that these practices are still happening. If you or your family have been a victim of a fraudulent foreclosure or abusive practice from the mortgage servicing industry or property insurance industry, help us tell your story.
Watch the Videos on Florida's Property Insurance Crisis
An educational video seriesFloridians are facing skyrocketing property insurance rates because insurance companies are going bankrupt or are leaving the state. Watch the video series about how this crisis started and what the state can do to fix it and bring insurance rates down now.

Recent Updates

Safeguarding Florida Homeowners: A Bill is Filed to Strengthen Financial Protections in Response to Construction Fraud
In Florida's ever-evolving home construction scene, state legislators have struggled with how to combat construction fraud effectively. Seeking to provide financial protection...

State Investment in Home Storm Hardening Can Lower Insurance Premiums and Make Florida an Attractable Insurance Market Again
Amid the allure of Florida’s eternal sunshine and sweeping ocean vistas lies a stark challenge: a collapsing insurance market, which urgently demands creative, long-term...

Bill Passes to Protect Homeowners From Predatory Lender-Placed Insurance Business Practices
The Florida legislative session closed with an important win for consumers: a comprehensive bill to protect borrowers from predatory lender-placed insurance practices.
Our Priorities

An Honest Deal

Everyone understands that when you make a mistake the right thing is to apologize and make amends. Yet, in court when dealing with foreclosure matters, banks consistently hold that their mistakes are irrelevant. Untold numbers of Floridians have lost their homes even though they could prove beyond a doubt that the banks foreclosing on them had lied. It’s the result of a judicial system that gives banks the benefit of the doubt – but doesn’t extend the same to Floridians.